- Date: 10 July, 2020
- Location: online event
- Description:
Program of 10 July, 2020:
Policy matters
Innovative use of health data on EU level – intro (5m)
István Csizmadia (NHSC HU)
Marton Kis (your host)
European Health DataSpace – keynotes
Isabelle Chatelier and Licinio Kustra Mano (DG-Sante, EC) (15m)
Markus Kalliola (Sitra, FI) (15m)
Data privacy, ownership, protection,
Secondary use of data – local and cross border – eHaction
Diogo Martins ( SPMS, PT) (20m)
Cybersecurity challenges b4, during and after COVID – ECHO
Matteo Merialdo (RHEA, B) (20m)
Policy Groupwork (60m)
debate and finetune of the 12 initial principles for the EC
Plenary wrap up and voting (10m)