• Date: 14th-16th, May 2020
  • Location: Online event (Kiev)
  • More info: http://dessert.ieee.org.ua/dessert-2020/​
  • Description:

The 11th International Conference on
Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT’2020)


IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section
National Aerospace University KhAI, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Banking University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Leeds Beckett University, UK

Background & Key topics

The annual DESSERT conference began since 2006 and its primary focus has been on methodologies, techniques and tools for dependability, security and safety assessment and assurance of software, hardware and middleware, computer systems and IT-infrastructures. DESSERT’2020 is responding to current major challenges relating to state-of-the-art information and communication technologies and paradigms such as cloud and edge computing, Internet of things, big data, AI and ML, software defined applications, cyber physical systems, etc. Relevant areas of interest encompasses regulations, analysis, modeling, development, verification, operation and maintenance of computer systems and components, networks and infrastructures for safety-, secure, mission- and business-critical applications.

DESSERT’2020 is addressing the main dependability challenges related to the IoT, Big Data and AI for a Safe&Secure World and Industry 4.0.