
Todor Tagarev, Yantsislav Yanakiev

Published in

2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT)


Industry 4.0, business model, collaborative networked organisations, CNOs, cybersecurity, taxonomy, ECHO project

Open Access



The incorporation of advanced information and communications technologies allows for the effective collaboration of diverse and geographically distributed legal entities in networked organisations, implementing various business models. This paper presents the results of a survey of academic sources on business models of collaborative networks and their implications for the design of models of collaboration in the field of cybersecurity. It outlines the transition from traditional to digital business models, provides examples of business models in ad-hoc, long-term and goal-oriented organisational collaborations, and presents identified best practices, forms of collaboration, main processes, and key roles in a network. The paper presents a taxonomy of business models, used to span the exploration space in a follow-on design of governance and management models of a cybersecurity competence network.
