
Jyri Rajamäki; Ilkka Tikanmäki; Jari Räsänen

Published in

Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 2 (2019): 215-235.


cybersecurity, early warning, echo project, information sharing, maritime surveillance, sharing sensitive cyber information

Open Access



The ECHO project aims at organizing and coordinating an approach to strengthen proactive cyber security in the European Union through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. One important tool for this aim is the ECHO Early Warning System (E-EWS). The development of the E-EWS will be rooted in a comprehensive review of information sharing and trust models from within the cyber domain, as well as models from other domains. In 2009, the Commission adopted a Communication Towards the integration of maritime surveillance in the EU: “A common information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain (CISE),” setting out guiding principles towards its establishment. The aim of the COM(2010)584 final was to generate a situational awareness of activities at sea and impact overall maritime safety and security. As a outcome of COM(2010)584 final, the EUCISE2020 project has developed a test-bed for maritime information sharing. This case study analyses information sharing models in the maritime domain, the EUCISE2020 test bed and the CISE itself as an alternative for cyber information sharing system. The maritime sector represents a suitable research case because it is already digitized in many aspects.
